241 Canterbury Lane Bolingbrook, IL 60440 630-759-1317

Transparency Center

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DuPage Township is committed to providing open and honest government. In that effort, the Township has created the “Transparency Center”, to allow easy access to the most commonly requested documents. While the Freedom of Information Act extends beyond what is available online, the Township makes all public records available for inspection.

Please take the opportunity to explore this section of our website, and if you still cannot find what you are looking for, please contact our Freedom of Information Officers, who will assist you in locating the records that you need to access.

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Compensation Disclosure


Freedom of Information Act – Requesting Public Records

All public records in DuPage Township are available to any person for inspection or copying, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. For information related to the public’s rights under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, please visit the Attorney General website.

To request public record from DuPage Township, please submit in writing, (either via email, fax, or mail), a letter detailing the documents you are requesting to have access. The letter should be sent to our Freedom of Information Officer.

FOIA Officers:

Barbara Parker, Clerk

241 Canterbury Lane
Bolingbrook, IL 60440
Phone: 630-759-1317
Fax: 630-759-3412


Jackie Traynere
Township Administrator
241 Canterbury Lane
Bolingbrook, IL 60440
Phone: 630-759-1317
Fax: 630-759-3412

Click here for the FOIA Request Filing Document.


18-01 Prohibit Sexual Harassment for DuPage Township

19-02 Transfer of Appropriation

19-10 Establishing Advisory Committees

19-14 Reimbursement Policy

19-15 Amendment to 19-10

19-16 Budget and Appropriation

19-18 Investment Policy

19-19 Amending 19-10 Establishing Advisory Committee

19-20 Fund Balance Policy

19-21 Adopting Modifications to Employee Handbook

19-22 Identity Protection Policy

19-25 Transfer of Appropriation

19-29 Budget and Appropriation

19-30 Tax Levy

20-02 Modifications to 2.10 of the Employee Handbook

20-03 Open Meetings Act Remote Attendance Policy

20-04 Transfer of Appropriation

20-05 Reporting Allegations of Sexual Harassment Against Elected Official by an Elected Official

20-09 Budget and Appropriation

20-10 Social Media and Electronic Communication

20-11 Disaster Remote Meetings

20-12 Correcting Scrivener Errors

20-13 Transfer of Appropriation

20-23 Tax Levy

21-01 The Disposal of Excess Assets

21-02 Correcting a Scrivener’s Error in the Tax Levy

21-03 Transfer of Appropriation

21-19 Budget &Appropriation Ordinance

21-21 Adopting and Establishing a Whistleblower and Anti-Retaliation Policy

21-22 Restructuring Township Committees

21-23 Transfer of Appropriation-Town

21-24 Tax Levy for 2021 Collected in 2022

22-09 Transfer of Appropriation Ordinance Assessor

22-10 Transfer of Appropriation Ordinance Town

22-11 Budget & Appropriation Ordinance

22-13 Engine Braking on 135th Street

22-15 Tax Levy Ordinance for DuPage Township 2022

22-16 Transfer of Appropriation Ordinance Town

22-17 Transfer of Appropriation Ordinance GA

23-01 Transfer of Appropriation

23-02 Budget & Appropriation Ordinance

23-07 Public Participation at Public Meetings

23-08 Transfer of Appropriation Ordinance Assessor

23-09 Transfer of Appropriation Ordinance Town Fund

23-10 Transfer of Appropriation Ordinance General Assistance

23-21 Tax Levy

24-01 Scrivenor’s Error

24-08 2024-25 Budget Ordinance

24-09 Transfer of Appropriation Assessor

24-10 Transfer of Appropriation Town

24-11 Transfer of Appropriation General Assistance

24-18 Compensation for township officials

24-19 Tax Levy


19-01 Designating an Authorized Agent to the IMRF

19-03 Appointing a Township Attorney

19-04 Letter of Support to the Ext. of Romeoville Tax

19-05 Annual Town Meeting resolution/Ordinance

19-06 Annual Town Meeting Board and Attorney

19-07 Annual Town Meeting Surplus Property

19-08 Annual Town Meeting Next Meeting Date

19-09 Annual Meeting Yearly Audit

19-11 Eliminating the Position of Township Bookkeeper

19-12 Purchasing and Accounts Payable Policy

19-13 Credit Card Policy

19-17 Adopting a Money Handling & Petty Cash Policy

19-23 Review Closed Session Determination Schedules

19-24 CSC Agreement

19-26 Provision of Services with H2O

19-27 Resolution Contract with OCB

19-28 Resolution Contract with Campfire

20-01 Corrective Transfer of 2018 Levy Distribution

20-06 Changes to Meetings During Covid 19

20-07 Contract with the HEART organization

20-08 Agreement with CSC

20-14 Adoption of Flat Grant

20-15 Elected Official Compensation

20-16 Trojans

20-17 Hazel House

20-18 Diaper Depot

20-19 Hazel House Employment Readiness

20-20 Tax Objection Settlement

20-21 Operation Christmas

20-22 Determination of Closed Session Minutes

20-24 Settle Various Tax Objection Cases

21-04 Provision of Services Between DuPage Township and The Heart Organization

21-05 Provision of Services Between DuPage Township and Hampton Park Social Athletic Club

21-06 Approving-an-Agreement-for-the-Provision-of-Services-Between-DuPage-Township-and-Heart-Haven-Outreah

21-07 United Way for Diaper Depot Amending and Correcting Resolution No. 20-18

21-08 Resolution on Resolutions and Ordinances

21-09 Resolution Board & Attorney’s 

21-10 Resolution on Surplus Property

21-11 Resolution at on Board Meeting Dates

21-12 Resolution on Yearly Audit

21-13 Resolution allowing Board to purchase, sell and lease property.

21-14 Resolution on censuring trustee

21-15 Resolution contracting with The Third Institute for youth services in the Township

21-16 Resolution Confirming Appointment of Township Attorney

21-17 Resolution for New Organizational Chart 

21-18 Resolution to designate IMRF

21-20 Resolution to Establish a Minimum Wage for Township Employees

21-24 Resolution Authorizing the Accumulation of Funds for Capital Improvements

22-01 Resolution to designate Illinois depository

22-02 Resolution for Closed Session Minutes Review

22-03 Resolutions and Ordinances at Annual Meeting

22-04 Board and Attorney’s Annual Meeting

22-05 Surplus Property Disposal Annual Meeting

22-06 Meeting Dates Annual Meeting

22-07 Yearly Audit Annual Meeting

22-08 Purchase Sell and Lease Property Annual Meeting

22-12 Purchasing Policy Updated

22-14 Purchasing Policy Updated

23-03 Non-Discrimination Policy

23-04 Agreement to Settle Outstanding Tax Objection Claims

23-05 Acquisition of Property

23-06 Owners Agent for Food Pantry

23-11 Resolutions and Ordinances

23-12 Boards and Attorneys

23-13 Surplus Property

23-14 Meeting Dates

23-15 Annual Audit

23-16 Resolutions of electors to purchase, sell and lease property

23-17 Releasing Executive Committee minutes

23-18 Local Govt Debt Certificate

23-19 Grant Agreement

23-20 Financial Procedure Policy

23-22 Scrivener’s Error

24-02 Closed Session Minutes

24-03 Ceasefire

24-04 Adopting Financial Procedure Policy

24-05 Annual Meeting- Ordinance/Resolutions

24-06 Annual Meeting- Board and Attorneys

24-07 Annual Meeting- Surplus Property

24-12 IGA Wheatland Township

24-13 IGA Food Pantry

24-14 HB 5050

24-15 Food Pantry Advisory Referendum

24-16 Closed Session Minutes

24-17 Financial Policy

25-01 Establishing Bank Signatories

25-02 Township Meeting Resolution