241 Canterbury Lane Bolingbrook, IL 60440 630-759-1317

About DuPage Township

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About DuPage Township

Township government is the oldest form of government continuing to function in North America. All townships in the State of Illinois are required by law to perform three functions:

  • General assistance
  • Property assessment
  • Road and bridge maintenance

Here at DuPage Township, we have chosen to go beyond state mandated requirements to provide a variety of other services for our residents. These include:

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Senior services
Senior and disabled transportation
Youth and family services
Food pantry
Notary public
Marriage licenses
Emergency assistance

Will County Recorder Karen A. Stukel also has a full service satellite office here. Services provided include recording all documents, including subdivision and related plat documents, and military discharges. Copies can also be obtained from a wheelchair-accessible public search computer, or from our staff member. Of course, online public document access is always available at www.willcountyrecorder.com.

Our Joseph & Sarah Levy Senior Center not only is home to many of our activities and programs, but it is also a beautiful venue for wedding receptions, parties, showers, meetings, and other events, available for weekend rentals.

Adjoining the Levy Center is our stunning Enabling Garden. Featuring a charming gazebo, raised planters, and cobbled pathways, this stunning oasis is the perfect setting for an outdoor wedding or other special occasion, and is wheelchair-accessible.