241 Canterbury Lane Bolingbrook, IL 60440 630-759-1317

Food Pantry

The Township Board of Trustees established the DuPage Township Food Pantry to supplement the nutritional needs of Township residents experiencing food insecurity. The Food Pantry grew from serving approximately 60 families a month to over 1,000 families a month. Most of the food in the pantry comes from the support of the Township, our partnership with Northern Illinois Food Bank, and collaborations with area superstores and grocers. Food drives by schools, churches, civic groups, and businesses also help stock our shelves.

Our mission is to fight hunger in the DuPage Township community with compassion and dignity. We understand that access to nutritious food is one of the core components of the social determinants of health and our program aims to build brighter futures while reducing adverse health outcomes associated with poor nutrition. We hope to inspire continued, generous support for our work, so we can continue to expand and positively impact the lives of DuPage Township’s vulnerable population. In planning for our future, the needs of the families and seniors are DuPage Township Food Pantry’s central concern.

DuPage Township residents may visit twice a month to receive supplemental items for planning meals.

Hours: Tuesday and Thursdays, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.; Saturdays 9-11 a.m.

Contact: Teresa Crafton, 815-886-7986, foodpantry@dupagetownship.com

Our new food pantry is in development, check out the new plans here.

Click the link to view the numbers for individual pantry visits for 2023.

Donations Toiletries: The Food Pantry is particularly in need of such items because they are always in shortage of shampoo, conditioner, sanitary pads, tampons, diapers, razors, deodorants, soap, body wash, etc.

Non-Perishable Food Items: spaghetti sauce, pasta, boxed mashed potatoes, peanut butter, jelly, crackers, canned vegetables, canned fruit, soup, spices, coffee, and tea.

Drop-off Location: 719 Parkwood Avenue, Romeoville.

Click the donate button below to donate directly to the Food Pantry online.

Click the PayPal logo below to donate directly to the pantry

Credit cards and Venmo accepted at checkout. You do not need a PayPal account.





Federal Guidelines for Food Pantry Assistance:


Household Size*   Monthly Income   Household Size*   Monthly Income
1   $3,765   5   $9,145
2   $5,110   6   $10,490
3   $6,445   7   $11,835
4   $7,800   8   $13,180


*For each additional household member over 10, add $1,285.


Please note: Upon acceptance of USDA food commodities, you are required to certify with your signature that your gross income does not exceed Illinois Department of Human Services established income limits and that you live within the boundaries of DuPage Township. Willful diversion of commodities for person gain is a federal offense. You can be prosecuted for giving false information to the Food Pantry.